
I am Unique

Y6   I am Unique

Who do you think you are? During this half term, we’re going to find out what makes us the people we are. We’ll meet a mysterious man and consider what traits and features give us our identity. Thinking about what makes us unique, we’ll write stories in which we have a new identity. We’ll learn about branching databases and how to create a classification system. Then, we’ll gather data about physical features, make spreadsheets and look for patterns. We’ll take part in physical activities that challenge us and measure the outcomes. While comparing photographs of ourselves with those of our relatives, we’ll decide if we share any features. We’ll create adverts and write a tribute to a friend. After investigating fingerprints and genetic characteristics, we’ll create 3-D models and design clothing that reflects our personality.

Our knowledge organisers show the children the content, facts and vocabulary within their topic and are used throughout to guide learning. 

I Am Unique knowledge organiser - Click here