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Bandon Hill Primary School

Governors' attendance

Bandon Hill and Woodfield Governing Body Attendance 2024-25

Governor GB1 GB2 GB3 GB4 GB5 GB6
  25.09.24 20.11.24 TBC 12.03.25 07.05.25 25.06.25
Nagaraju Binnuri            
Helen D’Ardenne            
Pippa Hatchett            
Fatima Javaid            
Rob Hopkins            
Laura Rodger            
Sarah Beighton            
Shilpa Patel            
Michael Short            
Moses Williams            
P In attendance
C Absent with consent
A Absent without consent
N/A Not a governor for this meeting
Blank No meeting

Bandon Hill and Wood Field Governing Body Attendance 2023-24

Governor GB1 GB2 GB3 GB4 GB5 GB6
  28.09.23 23.11.23 17.01.24 06.03.24 01.05.24 26.06.24
Paul Anstey C P P P N/A N/A
Nagaraju Binnuri N/A N/A P C P P
Helen D’Ardenne P P P P P P
Pippa Hatchett C C P P C C
Fatima Javaid P C P C C P
Rob Hopkins P P P P P C
Laura Rodger P P P P P P
Nicola Pearse P P P C N/A N/A
Sarah Beighton P P C C P C
Shilpa Patel P C P P P P
Michael Short P C P P A P
Moses Williams N/A P P P A P
P In attendance
C Absent with consent
A Absent without consent
N/A Not a governor for this meeting