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Bandon Hill Primary School


At Bandon Hill, we dare to dream. Our mission is to encourage daring, resilient, enquiring, ambitious and motivated pupils.

Our intention is for children with SEND to:

  • Be at the heart of our school community
  • Make excellent progress
  • Thrive in mainstream
  • Develop important life skills

Our graduated response 

At Bandon Hill School, we have a Graduated Approach to pupils' needs.  All teachers receive training on what this looks like for pupils at Bandon Hill School and their roles and responsibilities in this process.  The diagram below shows this process:

The information below shows what is in place at the following stages and when Learning Plans (LPs) may be introduced as a monitoring tool for teachers (and parents), when potential barriers/ needs have been identified. 

Our SEND Policy can be found on our Policies and Official Documents page here