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Bandon Hill Primary School


Workshops for the 2024/25 Academic Year will be posted below. These will be available after our Summer Term Parent Survey has been completed and our Parent Partnership Meetings have taken place.

As a result of parent and carer requests, our workshops will be shared online via video, uploaded to this page. The members of the teaching staff delivering the workshop will then make themselves available online to answer questions relating to the content of the video (or other questions relating to the workshop title).

We will communicate with parents when workshops have been added, along with the time that the question and answer session will take place.

Term Workshop Date Teacher
Autumn 1 How do we teach our children at Bandon Hill Primary School? Monday 7th October 6-7pm Mr Hopkins
Autumn 2 How do we safeguard children at Bandon Hill?

Wednesday 22nd January      5-6pm

Mr Haddock
Spring 1 How can I help my child with their Phonics at home? tbd Miss Bennett
Spring 2 Which applications and websites can I use at home to further my child's understanding of the curriculum? tbd Miss Hatchett
Summer 1 How are children assessed in the Early Years? tbd Mrs Scarborough
Summer 2 How can we work in partnership to ensure a smooth transition for children at Bandon Hill Primary School? tbd Mrs Newsome

Autumn 1 Workshop Useful website links: